How can fear affect the lover’s Mindset and prevent access to higher levels of love?
Welcome to The Lover’s Mindset, the show that tells you the truth about love. If you are tired of being hurt by love, can’t find love, and are wondering what is love all about and what it is not, then stay tuned.
I’m Leo Bastien and today we’re talking about: How can fear affect the lover’s Mindset and prevent access to higher levels of love?
Welcome to episode 2 of The Lover’s Mindset. Thanks for tuning in.
In episode 1 we postulated a definition of what love is and to me, it felt right. If you have not listened to episode 1, then please do so because the next few episodes will be based on this proposed definition of Love.
Let us create a community around The Lover’s Mindset where we can discuss a new way to love and expand on what we believe love is and what it’s not.
Let’s define what fear is.
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. To be afraid of someone or something that you think will cause you pain is dangerous or threatens you.
Since this podcast is about love and what we think love is, we must take a look at what stops or prevents us from going into higher levels of love.
From Google’s definition of fear, it says that it is caused by a belief. So if fear is caused by a belief, then we can create a new belief opposing that fear belief.
Let us create a new belief that will cause us to know and understand more about love and the lover’s Mindset. By doing this, in hopes we can be more consciously aware when we are not in alignment with love and being fearful and afraid.
Where did we learn to be fearful?
Are we born with fear built into us?
I believe that fear is not part of God’s creation and certainly didn’t give His Sons and daughters this emotion or feeling.
I say this strongly because I believe God is Love and we all were made in His image and likeness. Meaning we were made from Love, by Love, and for Love. Therefore, if we are love then where did this seeming opposite of love, which is where fear was derived from?
By understanding Jesus’s teachings, fear is said to be made by us humans and isn’t God’s creation. In truth, there is no opposite to “All That Is”, God or Source Energy.
Because Love is all there is and nothing else. So, this means everything outside Love are illusion. That means fear is an illusion created by us because we believe that we are separated from God, from love. We have been indoctrinated to believe that this separation is real.
So as a result, duality was born. The split mind then became real to us although there is one mind. That duality is represented in the brain as the left and right hemispheres. I’m not saying the brain is the mind – but a facilitator of the mind.
The reason is that the mind was split into two, the ego mind and the God Mind. The God Mind is very creative hence why it is been said the right side of the brain is the creative side and the left side is more analytical – that is why we judge. Judgement is of the ego and the body is the ego’s playground. We will talk about the ego in the next episode.
Do understand that we are not a body but a spirit or consciousness in a body. Consciousness is what we are.
When we come to understand the mind, it becomes very interesting because we now want to know what it is capable of manifesting in our lives. Like the fear, we have been manifesting for thousands of years now. All that fear is ego-driven and prevents us from moving into higher levels of love.
Love is not only about romance but the whole of life is love but that is a topic on its own.
Even our cultures teach us to be fearful and show us how to make fear more real. In our culture, we are taught to buy an expensive house, an expensive car, and all the expensive stuff. Now that we own these expensive things, we are scared to lose them.
Maybe some of us are probably saying I don’t own any of those things, yet we are afraid that we will never own them. You see how we are being taught how to fear.
Fear has been weaving itself into our lives for a very long time now. It has seemingly integrated itself into every fabric of our lives and human existence.
Let me put it in simple terms. Fear prevents us from connecting to Joy and Love. Let me make this clearer – there is no positive meaning to fear even if you use the word after God, like “God-fearing.” Let’s not be fooled by the way words are used. Not because a group of people are saying it means it is positive. God fearing is translated as Love fearing. Period! Does this make more sense now?
Many of us are afraid of the very thing we are looking for and trying to connect to. In many families, there is fear of not being accepted, not being loved, or liked, fear of thinking you may make the wrong decision, fear that your parents may not approve, afraid that society will judge you because you look different, and fear of who to fall in love with. The list goes on and on.
Even in some religious cultures, we are taught to fear God. There is a fear of who to date, fear of how to dress, fear of being yourself, and afraid that if you don’t do what the church asked then God will punish you and send you to hell.
We are taught to fear Love. To fear life, to fear authority, children fear their parents – the people who take care of them and love them. As you can now see fear is everywhere or so it seems.
These are some of the ways fear is and has been introduced into our lives and with the re-enforcements and worshiping of the idol called fear. For every thought and action, we do in fear we worship fear and strengthen it in our lives.
Fear is very powerful and can cause havoc in our lives as we see it every day in our outside world. All the chaos, wars, crimes, broken relationship, racism, judgment, and many other fear-based and ego-driven actions – means it is a lack of love. Lack of compassion and lack of understanding. Lack of faith in God and in Love.
I think now is the time to change the script. We need to know and understand what Love is and know who we truly are.
Remember there is no good in fear. No love in fear. I know many will want to find a good meaning, by saying fear can cause someone to be cautious of danger. But even though fear causes you to be cautious, you are still in constant fear of that place, person, and situation. Just the act of being cautious means that we are afraid that something wrong might happen. So where is the good?
I’m not saying to be stupid and do anything with no care in mind but I’m saying to use discernment and use our guidance system – your intuition that God gave us. You know what you call that gut feeling? Your guidance system is your emotions and feelings. Pay attention to how you feel.
Our feelings are our compass and guiding system to Home. Home is Love. Here is a way to recognize it and know how to use our guidance system. The instructions are very simple.
When we have a negative emotion or feeling, note that it is our guidance system telling us that we are moving away from Home, from Love.
When we are feeling joyful and in a happy state at any given moment, that means we are in the right direction toward Home, towards Love. This guidance system is impeccable and never fails us. Let us learn to use it and trust our feelings.
Let us all come from love and not fear. Let’s be more loving to everyone we meet. Let us teach our children by our loving actions. Let’s be more compassionate with each other. Let’s not teach our children about racism and to be unkind to another because of the color of their skin. Remember, we are not a body. So, the race and the color of our skin doesn’t matter. We all are one race, the human race. We just come in different shades of color.
If you feel and know you are a male or female, then act in love. I don’t care what gender you are, act in love and with Love.
Let us first look at ourselves. Recognize where we have been fearful and afraid and move closer to love. Re-evaluate our beliefs and stance on what we think life is about. Trust your gut feelings. Let us be less fearful of one another. Let us show more compassion. Let us be more deliberate and self-ish about our happiness.
Do our best to be joyous in any given moment. Share the love, because when we give love, we receive love. Fear is only an illusion constructed by our ego. If we knew who we were then we would never fear again.
Thanks for listening. Tune in for the next episode every Sunday morning. Let’s grow this podcast by sharing it with someone who you think can get some value from it. Thank you. Love. Joy, peace, and Light to you all. Namaste.